change ip address every 6 hours

Ted Lemon Ted.Lemon at
Wed Feb 15 15:14:45 UTC 2012

On Feb 15, 2012, at 2:11 AM, Yannick CHAMPS wrote:
could you kindly share a sample of dhcpd.conf which changes randomly
subscribers ip addresses every 6 hours ?

Just to echo what others have said here, this is precisely contrary to the design of DHCPv4, and there is no way to do it that doesn't cause genuine trouble for your customers.   You have to be willing to break video streaming and skype to get this to work.   If your management is okay with that, you may be able to cobble something together that sort of works, but you will be spending more money than you make, and you'll be delivering a solution that will encourage your customers to switch.   If you have no competitors, this is probably fine.

I know it feels like DHCP ought to be able to solve this problem for you, but really it can't.

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