change ip address every 6 hours

Alex Bligh alex at
Wed Feb 15 10:36:58 UTC 2012

--On 14 February 2012 22:27:20 -1000 Yannick CHAMPS <yannick at> wrote:

> 1. Sorry, but what do I have to modify in the different dhcpd.conf files
> to make ip change happens ?

If you must do this, have 2 pools, and match on something like the last
byte of the last octet of the hardware address. In one file, have pool
1 serving addresses ending 0-7, and pool 2 serving the remainder. In the
other, swap them round, then reload. Set your lease time really short.

You will get a crap quality of service (particularly as a new subscriber
might end up with an old subscriber's IP address with no break in betweeen)
but if that's what you want...

> 2. of course DDNS will update but your current IP sessions (vpn,
> download...)will terminate during the IP change operation

If you really want to offer "inbound IP doesn't work" services, rather than
broken services, why not look into carrier grade NAT? Then you can save
some IP addresses too.

Alex Bligh

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