change ip address every 6 hours

Simon Hobson dhcp1 at
Wed Feb 15 07:38:39 UTC 2012

Yannick CHAMPS wrote:

>could you kindly share a sample of dhcpd.conf which changes randomly
>subscribers ip addresses every 6 hours ?

No, because it's not supported. It is expressly against the RFCs 
which require the server to try and give a client the same IP address 
each time it connects - subject to it not having been given to a 
different client since it last had a lease.
Bear in mind that it breaks so many things. To start with, all 
sessions that a customer has open (perhaps a download that's got 5 
minutes left but has been running for 2 hours) will break. That alone 
is good enough reason not to do it.

There are ways to "sort of" simulate this - but they all require 
external scripting to modify the config file periodically.

Must admit, it's not come up for some time - the usual response is 
"check the archives, it comes up regularly - and no we won't help you 
break things that badly" (or something to that effect).

Do you have a specific reason for needing to do this ? Other than a 
manager telling you that he needs customers to keep changing IP 
address to make it hard to run servers at home. Such an attempt is a 
waste of time - there are many dynamic DNS servers out there that 
will "fix" that problem.

I think we only saw one legitimate reason in all the times this came 
up. All the rest were "my manager needs me to break the network and 
p**s off our customers". To the latter, the response is "go find 
another job, your customers will get p**ssed off and move to a decent 
ISP - and your's will go bust".

Simon Hobson

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