Randall C Grimshaw rgrimsha at syr.edu
Mon Feb 13 16:00:03 UTC 2012

vendor-class-id is sent by the clients to the server.

mostly you will see MSFT for Microsoft windows clients. Cisco AP's also provide this data. A few others, but most of the rest of the computing world ignores this DHCP feature. (I wish that they wouldn't)

Randall Grimshaw rgrimsha at syr.edu<mailto:rgrimsha at syr.edu>

From: dhcp-workers-bounces+rgrimsha=syr.edu at lists.isc.org [dhcp-workers-bounces+rgrimsha=syr.edu at lists.isc.org] on behalf of Ashmath Khan [hashmat.email at gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 10:48 AM
To: dhcp-hackers at lists.isc.org; Users of ISC DHCP; dhcp-workers at lists.isc.org
Subject: DHCPv6 option OPTION_VENDOR_CLASS(16)


I am using ISC dhcpv6 server version 4.1.1-P1 on Ubuntu.

My server config. file dhcpd6.conf has these lines:
       option dhcp6.vendor-opts
           00:00:XX:XX:   # where XX:XX is the enterprise-number

My client is sending OPTION_VENDOR_CLASS(16) to server with the correct enterprise-number, but the isc dhcp server doesn't send the data that is part of dhcp6.vendor-opts(in option 17) in the config. file.

Can somebody please let me know if I am missing something here ?

I also went through the code in Tables.c
#if 0
    /* XXX: user-class contents are of the form "StA" where the
     * integer describes the length of the text field.  We don't have
     * an atom for pre-determined-length octet strings yet, so we
     * can't quite do these two.
    { "user-class", "X",            &dhcpv6_universe, 15, 1 },
    { "vendor-class", "X",            &dhcpv6_universe, 16, 1 },

Does this mean the server doesn't parse option 16 ?

thank you,
[Purpose of life is an important aspect of life]

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