Subclasses and Scope

Michael Dahlberg olgamirth at
Tue Sep 20 20:52:16 UTC 2011

I'm trying to configure my dhcpd server to provide different boot
options to systems based on vendor options and MAC addresses.  I would
like most systems with a specific vendor-class-identifier to be given
one tftp server, but another system with the same
vendor-class-identifier and the MAC address 00:02:03:ab:cd:ef should
be given a different tftp server.  The relevant parts of the config
file are listed below:

class "engineering" {
     match if (option vendor-class-identifier="SimpleAsciiString");
     option root-path "server:/var/net/boot";
     filename "tftpboot.simple";

subclass "engineering" 1:00:02:03:ab:cd:ef {
     option root-path "anotherserver:/var/net/boot";
     filename "tftpboot.complex";

Assuming that the root-paths and filenames are correct, will these
statements do what I'm trying to accomplish?  If not, can you
recommend a different method?


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