different devices getting the same ip address

Simon Hobson dhcp1 at thehobsons.co.uk
Wed Nov 30 18:44:10 UTC 2011

Okeanos.net AS wrote:

>>Because the devices are using the same client ID, they are the same 
>>device as far as DHCP is concerned.

>Is the decision on assuming that the interfaces are on the device 
>solely based on the uid?
>Is that the default for all versions of the isc dhcp server?

Yes, not only is it the default, but I don't think there is a way to 
change it either. IIRC there was talk of making a config option that 
would allow it, but I don't think that's made it off the wishlist yet.

Basically, if the client provides a Client ID in it's Discover and 
Request packets, then the server is required to use that as the 
primary key for the database. Only if there is no Client ID supplied 
with the server fall back to using the Hardware Address. IIRC this is 
required in order to be compliant with the RFCs.

Simon Hobson

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