dhclient 4.2.1-P1 does not set IPv6 DNS servers

Andrej Podzimek andrej.podzimek at gmail.com
Thu Nov 24 11:59:12 UTC 2011

>> But there is only one common DNS zone (and a corresponding reverse zone), specified in dhcpd6.conf like this:
>> zone {
>> primary localhost;
>> key v6dhcpupdate;
>> }
>> zone example.com. {
>> primary localhost;
>> key v6dhcpupdate;
>> }
>> Reconfiguring BIND and splitting the reverse zone into three would be somewhat painful, but I'd do it if need be.
> Done, zones are now separate and match the subnets exactly one-to-one. But it does *not* work anyway.
> There are always many messgaes related to DHCPv4 configuration and updates to IPv4 DNS records in the logs. As for DHCPv6, one and only short message can be found in messages.log. So surprisingly, no attempt is made to update the zone:
> Nov 8 22:59:12 charon dhcpd: Information-request message from fe80::216:aff:fe17:3538 port 546, transaction ID 0x7CEC1E00
> Nov 8 22:59:12 charon dhcpd: Sending Reply to fe80::216:aff:fe17:3538 port 546
> This might mean that the dynamic updates don't work due to a bug in my configuration or in one of the related daemons (dhcpd, radvd, named). How can I diagnose this?
> Presumably, the (completely different) problem on the client side (/etc/resolv.conf never updated, not touched at all) persists as well.
> The two isues mentioned above are now the key showstoppers that prevent me from using these tools in production. Even more importantly, AFAIK, at least one of them also prevents IPv6 from being deployed/used (at all) by both of my employers.
> If anyone has a *working* (i.e., runnning) configuration (not just a purely theoretical howto)
> 1) of dynamic DNS zone updates based on *stateless* dhcpv6 (options -6 -S), both forward and reverse
> and/or
> 2) of automatic updates to /etc/resolv.conf by dhclient based on a *stateless* DHCPv6 response,
> could you please share the relevant portions of your config files (dhclient.conf, dhcpd6.conf, radvd.conf, named.conf), just for the record?

FTR, I've just come across this bug report: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=635897 This probably explains why there hasn't been any working configuration using stateless DHCPv6 for DNS record updates and /etc/resolv.conf configuration so far.

Surprisingly, the dhclient-script on my machine (4.2.1) already seems to contain some (but not all) of the adjustments mentioned in the bug report... Nevertheless, the DHCP(v6) client for Linux simply does *not* work at all in stateless mode and the DHCP(v6) server on Linux does not update DNS records in stateless mode. This probably makes the ISC DHCP client/server totally unusable in some IPv6 networks...


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