Adding route to ipv6 router who received delegated prefix

Joel Peshkin joel at
Sun Nov 20 16:02:08 UTC 2011

To help the next person who is looking for this information....

There seem to be 4 types of "on event" statements.  COMMIT, EXPIRY, 
RELEASE, and TRANSMISSION.  Only the first 3 seem to make any sense on 
the server.

The 2 variables that are known to be useful within an "on commit" 
statement are "lease-address" and "hardware".   A bit more reverse 
engineering will be required to determine if another variable is needed 
to figure out what prefix has been granted or if it is encoded in 

  * on-statement :== event-types LBRACE executable-statements RBRACE
  * event-types :== event-type OR event-types |
  *                 event-type
  * event-type :== EXPIRY | COMMIT | RELEASE

int parse_on_statement (result, cfile, lose)
         struct executable_statement **result;
         struct parse *cfile;
         int *lose;
         enum dhcp_token token;
         const char *val;

         if (!executable_statement_allocate (result, MDL))
                 log_fatal ("no memory for new statement.");
         (*result) -> op = on_statement;

         do {
                 token = next_token (&val, (unsigned *)0, cfile);
                 switch (token) {
                       case EXPIRY:
                         (*result) -> data.on.evtypes |= ON_EXPIRY;

                       case COMMIT:
                         (*result) -> data.on.evtypes |= ON_COMMIT;

                       case RELEASE:
                         (*result) -> data.on.evtypes |= ON_RELEASE;

                       case TRANSMISSION:
                         (*result) -> data.on.evtypes |= ON_TRANSMISSION;

                         parse_warn (cfile, "expecting a lease event type");
                         skip_to_semi (cfile);
                         *lose = 1;

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