Old Tired Question: 'Not configured to listen on any interfaces'

Alex Bligh alex at alex.org.uk
Fri Feb 25 19:43:57 UTC 2011

--On 25 February 2011 19:17:41 +0000 Simon Hobson <dhcp1 at thehobsons.co.uk> 

>> We have a virtual device which behaves like a dhcp server, but is
>> actually relaying the packets. As far as the client is concerned, it
>> is talking to a dhcp server.
> So something else non-standard ;-) As an aside, why don't you have these
> devices get the address etc directly from the database and cut out the
> DHCP server which is suboptimal ?

A combination of history (the world was an uglier place before we
got dhcpd to talk to postgres), trying to make the virtual device
small (so not putting dhcpd, postgres client libs etc. on it), and
trying to isolate the virtual device from databases with useful
information in to limit the damage if it did somehow get hacked
(as there's not a lot of damage you can do if you can only send
dhcp packets). But yes, that's something we may revisit.

Alex Bligh

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