Shutting down and restarting the dhcp server via omapi

Jürgen Dietl juergen.dietl at
Thu Feb 24 13:56:36 UTC 2011


i went through a lot of all posts from 2006,2007 and so on and all people
says there is no clean way to stop and start the ISC DHCP Server via Omapi.
Now 4 years later I hope there will be a solution.

I use the follwoing script:

---------------- truncated ----------------------

case "$1" in
        echo  "Starting DHCP server $INTERFACEIP "
        echo ""

        echo  "Stopping DHCP server $INTERFACEIP "
        echo ""
        #Kill and restart dhcpd.
        # if test -s /var/run/; then
        #What's the current dhcpd process number?
        # DHCPPROC=`cat /var/run/`
        #Save that for later.
        #Send the omapi commands to kill dhcpd.

        #kill `cat $DAEMON_PIDFILE`
        #Start looping and testing for the absence of the PID.
        #while ps -p $DHCPPROC >/dev/null; do
        #sleep .5
        #Always do this.
        #/usr/local/sbin/dhcpd -q
        #dhcpd should now be running
        # rm $DAEMON_PIDFILE

------ truncated --------------

the "#" lines I got from a post here in the mail history but also made no

My main problem is that when I stop the dhcp server I always will get a
"communication-interrupted". What I would like to have is a "partner-down".

So do any of you have a script or an idea how I can make the server to make
a graceful shutdown of dhcp service?

thanx a lot,
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