can't get option 82 data recognized by dhcpd

Ed Ravin eravin at
Wed Feb 16 02:35:03 UTC 2011

Well, silly me.

>    DHCPDISCOVER from 00:0d:56:df:1b:4f via eth2.1: network networkname: no free leases

The configuration of the network was such that the server running dhcpd was
listening directly to the network where the client was running.  So dhcpd
was picking up the request packet directly from the client.  The request
packet was also being forwarded to a different interface on the server,
where I had tcpdump listening, but dhcpd wasn't listening there, as I
had no subnet in dhcpd.conf configured on that interface.

When I got the configuration set up properly, the log message for the
packets show up as "via", the IP of the relay agent, instead
of "via eth2.1" as above.  Had I been more familiar with dhcpd, that
would have been a dead giveaway that the packet had not been relayed.

Thanks for the replies.  As Adam said, the problem was the data I was
receiving wasn't what I thought it was.

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