SV: running script at the time of address lease

Jon Otterholm jon.otterholm at
Mon Feb 14 11:19:38 UTC 2011

The short answer is no, but there are ways to solve this.


I use the exec function in syslog to execute scripts upon lease/expire. You can configure dhcpd to do logging which includes the information you need (IP, MAC ...). Here is an example:




log-facility local6;


on commit { log(info, concat("commit", " ", binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".", leased-address), " ", concat (

suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware, 1, 1))),2),":",

suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware, 2, 1))),2),":",

suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware, 3, 1))),2),":",

suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware, 4, 1))),2),":",

suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware, 5, 1))),2),":",

suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware, 6, 1))),2)

), " ", "'", (option agent.circuit-id), "'"));



on expiry { log(info, concat("expiry", " ", binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".", leased-address)));



on release { log(info, concat("expiry", " ", binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".", leased-address)));






local6.debug                                    | exec /usr/bin/awk '$6=="commit"{system("/usr/scripts/" " " $7 " " $8 " " $9)}'

local6.debug                                    | exec /usr/bin/awk '$6=="expiry"{system("/usr/scripts/" " " $7 " " $8 " " $9)}'



As you can see dhcpd will log to local6.debug, syslog pipes info to awk that filters info and sends it to a script together with necessary variables. In this example it sends IP, MAC and Option-82 to the script. 


This runs on our FreeBSD-routers and it works really well. ~1000 customers/router and the lease-time is set to max 60min giving us about 2000 leases to handle per hour.


The advantage to this solution is the elimination of patches of dhcpd.


Hope this info helps, good luck.




Från: at [ at] För Tapan
Skickat: den 12 februari 2011 13:11
Till: dhcp-users at
Ämne: running script at the time of address lease


Hi list,
 Is there any way to run a script from dhcpd after an address is assigned to a host ?


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