Assigning leases based on option 82

Simon Hobson dhcp1 at
Tue Nov 23 16:32:00 UTC 2010

Jerimiah Cole wrote:
>  > Anyone know if the config option to change the primary database key ever
>>  made it into the server ? IIRC it was on the roadmap but didn't actually
>>  make it into code.
>I'm not sure, but based on David Hankins' description of this feature, I
>don't think so:

That's not the same feature.

There was talk of having a config option that would change the way 
the primary key was derived for the leases file. At the moment it's 
effectively hardcoded to pick_first_value(client_id,hardware).

By changing this to the option 82 circuit ID, the operation of the 
server would change from matching on client_id (if supplied) or more 
normally hardware (MAC address) to matching on circuit_id.
This would achieve what most people are wanting from the server - 
merely that it serves up addresses to clients, but based on 
circuit_id rather than MAC address.

Simon Hobson

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