dhclient.conf interface stanza and conflicting listing interfaces with dhclient3

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at powercraft.nl
Wed Jun 23 12:05:33 UTC 2010

Hello everybody,

It took me a while to find the cause of the behaviour is was having.

I have multiple interfaces on my system that receive there IP-address
trough DHCP.

I have added stanza's like the below to my dhclient.conf.

interface "tun1" {
  request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset,
  host-name, netbios-scope, interface-mtu, ntp-servers;

This seems to work fine when the tun1 interface is not up. However
when tun1 is up and an other dhclient3 for an other interface tries to
receive an IP assignment. dhclient3 will also start listing to the
tun1 interface for dhcp request and replies. In my case there is a
dhcp server listing to broadcast in the tun1 subnet so it responses
and the dhclient3 receives an IP assignment through the tun1 network.

This is something totally unwanted. If tun1 is up and I execute an
dhclient3 eth1 an IP is provided trough the tun1 network instead of
only the eth1 network. dhclient3 eth1 should not listen to my tun1.

How should I solve this?

Thanks in advance,

With kind regards,

Jelle de Jong
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