ISC DHCP 4.2.0b2 is now available!

David W. Hankins dhankins at
Tue Jun 8 22:42:37 UTC 2010

ISC DHCP 4.2.0b2 is now available for download.

This is the SECOND BETA of ISC DHCP 4.2.0, a feature release which
contains many new features, as well as a number of bug fixes.

A list of the changes in this release has been appended to the end
of this message.  For a complete list of changes from any previous
release, please consult the RELNOTES file within the source
distribution, or on our website:

This release, and its OpenPGP-signatures are available now from:

ISC's Release Signing Key can be obtained at:

                        Changes since 4.2.0b1

- Prohibit including lease time information in a response to a DHCP INFORM.
  [ISC-Bugs #21092]

! Accept a client id of length 0 while hashing.  Previously the server would
  exit if it attempted to hash a zero length client id, providing attackers
  with a simple denial of service attack.  [ISC-Bugs #21253]

- A memory leak in ddns processing was closed.  [ISC-Bugs #21377]

- Modify the exception handling for initial context creation.  Previously
  we would try and clean up before exiting.  This could present problems
  when the cleanup required part of the context that wasn't available.  It
  also didn't do much as we exited afterwards anyway.   Now we simply log
  the error and exit. [ISC-Bugs #21093]

- A bug was fixed that could cause the DHCPv6 server to advertise/assign a
  previously allocated (active) lease to a client that has changed subnets,
  despite being on different shared networks.  Dynamic prefixes specifically
  allocated in shared networks also now are not offered if the client has
  moved.  [ISC-Bugs #21152]

- Add some debugging output for use with the DDNS code. [ISC-Bugs #20916]

- Fix the trace code to handle timing events better and to truncate a file
  before using instead of overwriting it.  [ISC-Bugs #20969]

- Modify the determination of the default TTL to use for DDNS updates.
  The user may still configure the ttl via ddns-ttl.  The default for
  both v4 and v6 is now 1/2 the (preferred) lease time with a limit.  The
  previous defaults (1/2 lease time without a limit for v4 and a default
  value for v6) may be used by defining USE_OLD_DDNS_TTL in site.h
  [ISC-Bugs #21126]

- libisc/libdns is now brought up to version 9.7.1rc1.  This corrects
  three reported flaws in ISC DHCP;

  o DHCP processes (dhcpd, dhclient) fail to start if one of either the
    IPv4 or IPv6 address families is not present.  [ISC-Bugs #21122]

  o Assertion failure when attempting to cancel a previously running DDNS
    update.  [ISC-Bugs #21133]

  o Compilation failure of libisc/libdns due to the use of a flexible
    array member.  [ISC-Bugs #21316]

David W. Hankins	BIND 10 needs more DHCP voices.
Software Engineer		There just aren't enough in our heads.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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