"Healthy" servers issuing leases for length of MCLT

Oscar Ricardo Silva oscars at mail.utexas.edu
Sat Jul 10 00:36:57 UTC 2010

We have a pair of servers running in failover mode and they appear to be 
healthy and communicating with each other.  The problem is that while we 
have the lease time set to 7 days, leases are only handed out for the 
length of the MCLT.  I understand this is the expected behavior when the 
pair of servers are not communicating but these servers are in a normal 

And yes, I know the split statement is set to 255 but we do this to 
force preference onto the primary server.  We have two other failover 
pairs running in the same manner without problem.

I've verified that there are no crazy time differences between the two. 
  I've also restarted one server at a time and waited for them to 
re-establish communication.

Any thoughts on why leases for the length of the MCLT are being handed 
out on a supposedly healthy pair of servers?



default-lease-time 604800;
max-lease-time 604800;

#! failover definition
failover peer "dhcpfailover" {
          port 520;
          peer address;
          peer port 520;
          max-response-delay 60;
          max-unacked-updates 10;
          mclt 900;
          split 255;
          load balance max seconds 5;

include "/dhcpd/dhcpd.master";


#! failover definition
failover peer "dhcpfailover" {
          port 520;
          peer address;
          peer port 520;
          max-response-delay 60;
          max-unacked-updates 10;
          load balance max seconds 5;

include "/dhcpd/dhcpd.master";

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