Corrupt dhcpd.conf file

Simon Hobson dhcp1 at
Thu Jan 7 08:07:48 UTC 2010

Ausmus, Matt wrote:

>To Glen & Simon,
>If you'd read my question you'd see that I already know vi and have been
>using it for years.

That wasn't shouting out - but looking back I do see that it was 
mentioned. Please remember that whilst you have just the one thread 
to recall the details of, people trying to help often are working 
with multiple threads, often across multiple mailing lists - so you 
generally cannot keep all the nuances in your head for every thread 
that you are watching.

>I force my student workers to learn it as well
>instead of using nano or any of the others because that is the one text
>editor that will always be on a *nix box no matter what.
>In this particular case, I was combining 4 dhcp servers into a single
>failover pair.  This meant copying reservations and other information
>from multiple files into a single file.  As is a reality in the
>workplace, my desktop is a PC running Winders (as dictated by
>management) and my laptop runs OS X & XP.

None of which precludes using vi, under unix or linux, to combine the 
files. I make heavy use the the Terminal app in OS X and use vi 
(either locally or on a remote system). Also, Textedit on OS X seems 
pretty good at preserving the original file format (eg if it's a unix 
file it will happily work with linefeeds, if it's a Mac file it will 
happily work with carriage returns).

Personally I would have used SCP to copy the files to one server (via 
my laptop first if necessary) and combined them with vi (or cat).

>So while I appreciate the fact that you both responded back and tried to
>be helpful, it just came out with no particular answer to my question
>and more a zealot's diatribe on the wonder that is vi.

I'd suggest that pointing out alternatives to editing the files on a 
PC is being helpful - we just hasn't read the small print that 
inferred (but didn't state) that you are familiar with vi to start 

Simon Hobson

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