Failover xid mismatch errors

Dean, Barry B.Dean at
Tue Apr 27 09:17:47 UTC 2010

I am running DHCPD 4.0.2b2 and I am getting lots of errors like:

server dhcpd: [ID 702911] bind update on got ack from dhcp: xid mismatch.

I found this comment from David Hankins in 2008:

> It's cosmetic.
> I put the logline in because it's a funny deep situation inside the
> failover protocol, and I couldn't figure out if it could ever happen.
> We've seen a lot of these now, and they're all situations where the
> server updates a lease, sends a BNDUPD, updates the lease again before
> the ACK, and sends a BNDUPD again.  The xid mismatch is because the
> first BNDUPD gets BNDACK'd, and it's /correctly/ ignoring the ack.
> I plan to silence the log line in maint at some point.

I just wanted to know has the "at some point" arrived yet :-)

Is there an option to turn this error line off?

Barry Dean
Principal Programmer/Analyst
Networks Group
Computing Services Department
Skype: barryvdean
Nice boy, but about as sharp as a sack of wet mice.
               -- Foghorn Leghorn

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