macos script

David W. Hankins dhankins at
Thu Nov 5 19:24:01 UTC 2009

On Mon, Nov 02, 2009 at 11:17:29PM -0500, Daniel Le wrote:
> An add-on note: in reading the output again, I realized that the client
> does receive advertisements from the server, re. RCV: Advertise message
> on eth0 from fe80::21e:f7ff:fe84:85c3.

Yes, your server is advertising that it has no addresses to give.

The client doesn't want a lease without addresses...

The output here is what your server is sending in the error message
string at the end of the status code option the server supplies:

> IA_NA status code NoAddrsAvail: "NOADDRS-AVAIL"

I think the helpful text your server is providing is pretty lame.

In the ISC DHCPv6 server for example it would look like:

| IA_NA status code NoAddrsAvail: "No addresses available for this interface."

> 5. What does " ip: either "dev" is duplicate, or "permanent" is a
> garbage" refer to?

News to me.  That placement in the client's processing is at the
start when it wants to initialize the interface - flush any previous
configuration out.  So it is probably semi harmless in that you might
not notice a problem from it.

Can you do /sbin/ip -V for me?  We can see if there's a different,
backwards compatible syntax we can use.

David W. Hankins	BIND 10 needs more DHCP voices.
Software Engineer		There just aren't enough in our heads.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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