ISC DHCPD 4.0.1+ IPV6 not sending out vendor options to Cable Modems

NOBUHITO SUZUKI subura109 at
Thu Jun 11 11:43:22 UTC 2009

I tried DHCPv6 Docsis3.0 CM provisioning by isc dhcpd 4.1.0.
But the server would not send out the vendor specific options me too.

I tried dhcpd 4.0.0.
The 4.0.0 server send out the vendor specific options.

I checked difference from source files.
I found difference in dhcpv6.c .

I can' t found "Solicit required options [D6O_VENDOR_OPTS]" in
v4.0.1b1 to v4.1.0

Is there a person who knows this change?
Is there a person who can collect it?

|static const int required_opts_solicit[] = {
|        D6O_CLIENTID,
|        D6O_SERVERID,
|        D6O_IA_NA,
|        D6O_IA_TA,
|        D6O_RAPID_COMMIT,
|        D6O_STATUS_CODE,
|        D6O_VENDOR_OPTS,    <---
|        D6O_PREFERENCE,
|        0

[ v4.0.1b1 to v4.1.0 ]
|static const int required_opts_solicit[] = {
|        D6O_CLIENTID,
|        D6O_SERVERID,
|        D6O_IA_NA,
|        D6O_IA_TA,
|        D6O_RAPID_COMMIT,
|        D6O_STATUS_CODE,
|        D6O_PREFERENCE,
|        0

I tried insert [D6O_VENDOR_OPTS,] to v4.1.0 source and compile it.
The server send out the vendor specific options.
: )

Nobuhito Suzuki

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