What is the best way to monitor list of current leases and their states?

michael kapelko kornerr at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 02:39:29 UTC 2009

2009/6/11 Jerimiah Cole <jcole at tbtc.net>:
> All of the current leases are stored in the leases file, including the
> agent info:

man dchpd.leases says:
> it is entirely possible and quite reasonable for there to be two or more
> rations  of  the  same  lease  in the lease file at the same time.   In
> case, the instance of that particular lease that appears last in the file
> the one that is in effect.

I have these pairs in the dhcpd.leases:
lease {
  starts 4 2009/06/11 02:29:09;
  ends 4 2009/06/11 02:37:36;
  tsfp 4 2009/06/11 02:34:36;
  cltt 4 2009/06/11 02:29:09;
  binding state active;
  next binding state expired;
  hardware ethernet 00:0e:a6:56:56:07;
  uid "\001\000\016\246VV\007";
  option agent.circuit-id 0:4:0:1:0:30;
  option agent.remote-id 0:6:0:1c:f0:15:15:db;
  client-hostname "computer-455d96";
lease {
  starts 4 2009/06/11 02:29:01;
  ends 4 2009/06/11 02:37:36;
  tsfp 4 2009/06/11 02:38:51;
  cltt 4 2009/06/11 02:29:01;
  binding state active;
  next binding state expired;
  hardware ethernet 00:0e:a6:56:56:07;
  uid "\001\000\016\246VV\007";
  option agent.circuit-id 0:4:0:1:0:30;
  option agent.remote-id 0:6:0:1c:f0:15:15:db;
  client-hostname "computer-455d96";
Is it really the last record that's real? It's interesting to see more
recent (at least by start-date) record be the last one.
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