dhcp log message

Mike Diggins mike.diggins at mcmaster.ca
Fri Jul 31 15:19:14 UTC 2009

I rebuilt one of my DHCP servers earlier this week. Once completed I 
copied the dhcpd.leases file over to it, so that it could carry on. The 
new server has a different IP address than the original. I'm using the ISC 
DHCP server that comes with RHEL, and it got a slight upgrade to 
V3.0.5-RedHat. I believe it was 3.0.1 before. I have noticed several of 
these messages in my log file. It doesn't appear to be causing any trouble 
- dhcp seems to work, but what does it mean?

dhcpd: data: "leased-address" configuration directive: there is no lease 
associated with this client.


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