Can you add a class match with omshell?

Oleg Gawriloff barzog at
Wed Jan 7 22:54:44 UTC 2009

 > > pool { authoritative; allow members of "my.1st-class"; range > 
 >; }

 >Not currently possible.  Dynamic ranges can't be edited at runtime.
 >I'm not even sure if you can use ACL matches on dynamic classes if you
 >entered this in static config.  I can't remember if ACL's remeber the
 >class name, or take a reference to the class.
Thats very bad. In our case, we plan to use isc-dhcp to satisfy address 
requests from about 10 000 customers. For each customers separate 
address space (/30) reserved, depending on customer switch port option 
82. Without any way to control dhcp config from other sources that its 
config file (omapi or abandoned isc-dhcp ldap patch) it would be almost 
impossible. Do you have any suggestions how we could do this?

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