migration suggestions

McDonald, Dan Dan.McDonald at austinenergy.com
Tue Aug 18 19:40:02 UTC 2009

I have a failover pair of dhcp servers running ISC DHCP version 3.1.2p1,
let's call then "A" and "B"  There are about 130 subnets, on 106
different routers, served by these two dhcp servers  For various reason,
I need to migrate to a new set of servers, let's call them "C" and "D",
and the IP address of "C" and "D" can't be the same as "A" and "B".

What would be the cleanest way to transition from the first set to the
second?  I'm envisioning something on the order of:

1.  synchronize the configuration (other than the failover peer stanza)
on all 4 servers.
2.  shut down "B"
3.  change "A" to partner with "C" instead of "B"
4.  start "C"
5.  change the IP helper addresses from "A" and "B" to "C" and "D" on
all routers
6.  shut down "A"
7.  change "C" to partner with "D" instead of "A"
8.  start "D"

Is there an easier way?  Or are there pitfalls I should watch out for?

Daniel J McDonald, CCIE # 2495, CISSP # 78281, CNX
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