Feature questions

Jason Gerfen jason.gerfen at scl.utah.edu
Mon Sep 22 13:35:33 UTC 2008

I have read the documentation regarding the use of DNSSEC and also 
utilizing DNS zone files within the dhcpd.conf. I am in need of a 
'second set of eyes' in regards to my current configuration for these 
options as well as for the failover configuration syntax.

If any one could assist me with this I would appreciate it.

#### DNSSEC Key Definitions ####
key test {
     algorithm DSA;
     secret passphrase;

#### DNS Zone Definitions ####
zone "scl.utah.edu" {
     type master;
     file "mmctest.zone";
     allow-update { key test; };
zone "" {
     type master;
     file "mmctest.zone";
     allow-update { key test; };
zone scl.utah.edu {
     key test;
zone {
     key test;

#### Failover configuration ####
failover peer "tyr" {
     port 519;
     peer address;
     peer port 520;
     max-response-delay 60;
     max-unpacked-updates 10;
     mclt 300;
     split 128;
     load balance max seconds 3;

The reason I am asking is because with this configuration (which look 
accurate according to the RFC documentation I have read) I receive some 
errors when restarting the dhcpd service. Details below:

dhcpd.conf line 24: partial base64 value left over: 14.
        secret passphrase;

dhcpd.conf line 28: expecting hostname.
zone "scl.utah.edu"

dhcpd.conf line 32: expecting a parameter or declaration

/dhcpd.conf line 33: expecting hostname.
zone ""

dhcpd.conf line 37: expecting a parameter or declaration

dhcpd.conf line 55: invalid statement in peer declaration

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