politely closing down a pool?

John Hascall john at iastate.edu
Thu Sep 18 02:53:35 UTC 2008

We had an issue where a new version of software for our
Ccisco access points made them forget to disassociate with
no longer present Macintosh clients so it kept Proxy-ARPing
for them causing a flood of DHCPDECLINEs and abandoned
addresses.  Until we figured out the reason, we just kept
adding new pools of addresses to affected subnets.  Pools
we'd now like to have back for future needs.

If I just drop the pools from the config,
dhcpd will forget about the leases and NAK
any attempt to renew the lease, right?

If I toss a 'deny all clients' in the pools,
it doesn't forget them, but it NAKS just
the same, right?

What I think I'd like is to not assign any
new leases out of those pools, but allow
active clients to keep renewing (to prevent
the dropped connections that result from
an IP change).  [we have fairly short leases]

As far as I know, there is no config file
command to directly accomplish this, right?

So, it seems one way that would work would
be to modify our config file builder to
read the leases file and rewrite the pool's
range statement(s) to exclude any address
which is free, expired or abandoned.  Does
this seem like a reasonable approach?


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