Peer holds all Free Leases, Why?

Robert Blayzor rblayzor.bulk at
Tue Oct 21 16:18:44 UTC 2008

On Oct 20, 2008, at 4:42 PM, Martin McCormick wrote:
> 	Some of this could be due to the practice that many
> clients are blocking ICMP packets through their local firewalls.
> 	How common is this and what can we do to either prevent
> it from happening or detect the problem before it starts
> effecting service?

We're in the same boat as you, and I posted on this last week.  But  
the problem is same.  I've been tracking it and it doesn't seem to  
make sense to me.  In our leases file we see leases expired, they've  
been free for days even when we have a 86400 max lease time.  The  
servers start saying they're both our of leases.  If we simply force  
restart the servers, they seem to fix up for several days and then the  
problem comes back again.

It could be the ICMP thing is part of it, but in our case, the lease  
hasn't been touched in days, so why the server(s) are reporting they  
have no free leases is baffling.

Robert Blayzor, BOFH
rblayzor at

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