
Evan Hunt Evan_Hunt at isc.org
Thu Jun 12 05:07:37 UTC 2008

> 	if the name server option doesn't specify an address format,
> 	then your home free...  a couple of ways to tell:

I wasn't talking about the "domain-name-servers" option in ISC DHCP, I
meant the Domain Name Server option specified in section 3.8 of RFC 2132:

   The domain name server option specifies a list of Domain Name System
   (STD 13, RFC 1035 [8]) name servers available to the client.  Servers
   SHOULD be listed in order of preference.

   The code for the domain name server option is 6.  The minimum length
   for this option is 4 octets, and the length MUST always be a multiple
   of 4.

    Code   Len   Address 1               Address 2
   |  6  |  n  |  a1 |  a2 |  a3 |  a4 |  a1 |  a2 |  ...

That's clearly talking about four-byte IP addresses, not character strings,
so looking for dots and colons won't help.  If you sent an IPv6 address
in that format, the client would just see it as a string of four IPv4
addresses.  You need a new option for this.

Evan Hunt -- evan_hunt at isc.org
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

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