
David W. Hankins David_Hankins at isc.org
Wed Jun 11 19:02:13 UTC 2008

On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 05:20:49PM +0000, bmanning at vacation.karoshi.com wrote:
> a simple game...  remove IPv4 addresses for DNS Nameservers.
> in the bad old days:
> option domain-name-server;
> worked a treat... so today we try...
> option domain-name-server 3ffe::53;

that won't parse.  i have a strong suspicion that you meant to spend
a fortnight reading manual pages (you want 'man dhcp-options', and
you wanted to read the 'STANDARD DHCPV6 OPTIONS' section and not the
'STANDARD DHCPV4 OPTIONS' section you are quoting) and coming to the
conclusion that you should set a DHCPv6 scoped configuration parameter

  option dhcp6.name-servers 3ffe::53;

if you wanted it to appear in a DHCPv6 packet.

the config language works on a system of "option spaces", where each
space represents one unique mapping of names to option codes, and
holds important information like knowing the code width and length
width of that option space (being 1, 2, or 4 octets).

i don't know whether or not it was a mistake for the default when a
space is not specified ("option foo") to search in the DHCPv4 option
space ("option dhcp.foo" is a config-synonym).

questioning that already, i don't know whether or not it was a mistake
not to revoke that shorthand in ISC DHCP 4.0.0, which first
implemented IETF DHCPv6.  i tend to think it was not a mistake, for
backwards compatibility.

but possibly there should be a warning, because you're not the first
to try this, and i doubt any of the above is an adequate justification
for things being less simple than they could be.

if you think you're confused now, wait until you can run both v4 and
v6 protocols from one daemon and config file.

Ash bugud-gul durbatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Why settle for the lesser evil?	 https://secure.isc.org/store/t-shirt/
David W. Hankins	"If you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineer		     you'll just have to do it again."
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.		-- Jack T. Hankins

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