Bit of help / guidance with a dhcpd.conf file

Bruce Hudson Bruce.Hudson at Dal.Ca
Thu Jul 3 21:18:27 UTC 2008

> When I connect a laptop with the matching MAC address, I receive the
> IP  So - how come it isn't matching?

    The "remote-id" sub-option is part of the "relay-agent-information"
option. If MAY be set by a relay agent to provide additional information
about the source of the request. You are then extracting characters 3
through 8 (starting at 1) from this value.

    You normally would want to look at packet dumps of your DHCP requests
before playing with this type of option unless you know what your gear is
adding; and probably even then just to be sure.

    If all you want to match is the MAC address, you are doing far more
work than necessary.

	  class "known" {
	     match hardware;

	  subclass "known" 1:00:1b:38:75:a5:ea;

Note the "1" prepended to the client's addresses. This is the hardware
type (1 == ethernet). 
Bruce A. Hudson				| Bruce.Hudson at Dal.CA
UCIS, Networks and Systems		|
Dalhousie University			|
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada		| (902) 494-3405

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