Using option-119/RFC3397 in DHCP 3.1.0

Andrew Pollock apollock at
Sun Jan 13 16:40:53 UTC 2008


I'm trying to have a play around with the new domain search path support
that is allegedly in DHCP 3.1.0, but I'm really fumbling around in the dark.
The RFC doesn't go into implementation detail, and I haven't seen anything
in the included documentation.

So far, I've tried putting

option domain-search-order code 119 = string;

in my dhcpd.conf and then 

option domain-search-order "";

in one of my subnet declarations, but a packet capture shows no evidence of
it being sent out when a lease is obtained. I'm not at all sure how to make
the DHCP client request a custom option.

Any pointers appreciated.


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