dhcpd sending on the same IP it receives on

Jared Gillis jared at sonic.net
Tue Feb 5 19:16:13 UTC 2008

Scott Baker wrote:
> That seems like a semi-complex setup for just one server. Wouldn't it be 
> easier to just run two different (physical) servers for that odd corner 
> case you're running in to?

Sure, but this configuration is replicated for nearly 30 routers. 15 servers serving 30 routers is far better for datacenter space, power, cooling and just financially than running 30 servers. 

Jared Gillis - jared at corp.sonic.net       Sonic.net, Inc.
Network Operations                        2260 Apollo Way
707.522.1000 (Voice)                      Santa Rosa, CA 95407
707.547.3400 (Support)                    http://www.sonic.net/

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