Tool for DHCP pool statistics/monitoring

Niall O'Reilly Niall.oReilly at
Tue Apr 15 09:42:28 UTC 2008

On 15 Apr 2008, at 08:58, Leif Arne Neset wrote:
> but, switched to a system where we generate a table of of all the  
> pools with usage (active leases and pool size) and  store it in a  
> cache file.

	Here too.  I feel our system is rather site-specific and a little
	rough at the edges, so I'm not inclined to make an "announcement".

	Our system doesn't show occupancy per pool, but aggregates over
	each subnet prefix, as we have a number of discontiguous pools
	in any subnet larger than (prefix shorter than) /24.  So far,
	we haven't needed to block external access, so anyone can take
	a look at  If we
	find that access from outside becomes a problem, we'll block it.

	I hope to look at Trond Hasle Amundsen's code and learn something.

	Best regards,

	Niall O'Reilly
	University College Dublin IT Services

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