Regarding dhcpd syntax checker..

"Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" johannbg at
Thu Mar 1 08:52:52 UTC 2007


Starting to create script to easy the mind of user that are
upgrading from 2 - 3 and come across duplicated host entry's

Noticed when running into duplicated host entry's that ( dhcpd -t -cf )
it spews out only the second entry it came across

dhcpd.conf line 1: host test1: already exists
host test1 { hardware ethernet 00:00:00:00:00:01; fixed-address test1 <----

I was wondering if its possible to get it to spew out the first entry 
and the second entry etc. etc.
If not it might be good to change the syntax checker regarding this issue..

if duplicated host entry's, echo "all entry's I came across"

dhcpd.conf line 1: host test1: already exists
host test1 { hardware ethernet 00:00:00:00:00:00; fixed-address test1 #1 
First parsed this
host test1 { hardware ethernet 00:00:00:00:00:01; fixed-address test1 #2 
Then came accross this == duplicated entry
host test1 { hardware ethernet 00:00:00:00:00:02; fixed-address test1 #3 
etc. etc.

The problem facing the user here is not actually the duplicated entry's 
them selfs it's figure out
which entry ( mac address) is the active entry. ( --> lease file <--)

It would save couple of lines in the script if it's possible

Best Regards
                   Jóhann B.

Jóhann B. Guðmundsson. RHCE,CCSA
Unix Kerfistjóri.
Reiknistofnun Háskóla Íslands.
Tæknigarði, Dunhaga 5.			Rafpóstur:	johannbg at
107 Reykjavík.				     Sími:	525-4267
Ísland.					Bréfasími:	552-8801

Johann B. Gudmundsson. RHCE,CCSA
Unix System Engineer.
IT Management.
Reiknistofnun University of Iceland.
Taeknigardi, Dunhaga 5.			Email:		johannbg at
IS-107 Reykjavik.			Phone:		+354-525-4267
Iceland.				  Fax:		+354-552-8801 

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