Alcatel IP Phones ...

Glenn Satchell Glenn.Satchell at
Wed Jun 20 17:02:50 UTC 2007

Seems like something in your match if isn't matching. You can verify
the vendor-class-id being sent using this example from the dhcp-options
man page:

       set vendor-string = option vendor-class-identifier;

       This will result in all entries in the DHCP  server  lease
       database   file   for   clients  that  sent  vendor-class-
       identifier options having a set statement that looks some-
       thing like this:

       set vendor-string = "SUNW.Ultra-5_10";

Previously with alcatel A4400 phones I've used a match statement like
this, without the substring part:

class "alcatel_ipphone" {
  match if option vendor-class-identifier = "alcatel.tsc-ip.0";


>Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 16:22:59 +0200
>From: "Richard Migneron" <richard at>
>To: dhcp-users at
>Subject: Alcatel IP Phones ...
>We are trying to integrate the Alcatel 40x8 series phone to get an ip via
>our DHCP server.
>So I've created the following in my dhcpd.conf :
>option alcatel-host-ip code 66 = ip-address;
>option alcatel-host-ip;
>option vendor-class-id code 60 = text;
>class "alcatel-phone"   { match if substring (option vendor-class-id, 0, 16)
>= "alcatel.tsc-ip.0"; }
># class "alcatel-phone" { match pick-first-value (option
>dhcp-client-identifier, hardware); }
>subnet netmask {
>    max-lease-time 600;
>#   deny client-updates;
>    one-lease-per-client on;
>    option broadcast-address;
>    option routers;
>    ddns-domainname "";
>    option fqdn.fqdn "";
>    pool { allow members of "pc-class"; allow members of "pxe-clients";
>range; }
>    pool { allow members of "alcatel-phone"; range; }
>When running dhcpd in debug, I'm getting :
>DHCPDISCOVER from 00:80:9f:56:65:e1 via network 1.1.151/24: no
>free leases
>Now if I go with the "class "alcatel-phone" { match pick-first-value (option
>dhcp-client-identifier, hardware); }" and include the an host line with the
>right MAC@, no problem it gets its IP address.
>Anybody has ever managed to get Alcatel phones to work ????  If so what
>gives in my configuration ???
>Richard Migneron
>Yahoo Messenger ID: rmigneron
>PGP Fingerprint : EFFE 44E3 894A 7051 F86E E532 4880 9534 E1FB BD33
>"J'vous ai déjà dit que je prêtais du pognon à des taux vraiment pas
>dégueulasses ?",
>Venec, Kaamelott, Livre II, Plus près de Toi

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