static IP assignment through a bridge ...

Simon Hobson dhcp1 at
Tue Feb 20 13:35:00 UTC 2007

Eoin Verling wrote:

>I'm wondering if the following is possible
>dhcp server  -> ethernet -> Bridge device -> ethernet -> router (dhcp 
>Is it possible to statically assign an IP address, to the router, 
>based on the MAC address of the Bridge? ie, no matter what device is
>put inside the bridge, an IP will be given to it, same one each time?

Short answer - NO

Longer answer ...

a bridge is (by definition) transparent and as far as ordinary 
packets are concerned the bridge should be undetectable. In other 
words, given the two networks :

host A -- bridge -- host B

host A --- host B

Neither host A nor host B will be able to tell the difference - the 
packet contents will be identical. You could probably tell the 
difference by interrogating the hardware and inferring what the other 
end of the physical link is, but that wouldn't help you.

Another minor detail to consider - just about every network these 
days already has at least one bridge, just going by the other common 
name of "switch".

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