Clients not recieving IP's via DHCP

Glenn Satchell Glenn.Satchell at
Thu Feb 8 11:54:30 UTC 2007

Try capturing the requests from the client using tcpdump something like this:

tcpdump -n -v -i eth0 udp port 67 or 68

You're looking for the "dhcp-parameter-request-list", option 55. This
lists all the parameters that the client wants. You need to make sure
that you're specifying all of them. Probably the best way i sto look at
an outgoing packet.

In ISC dhcpd the options are given names, rather than being referred to
by a number. You can see the names and numbers in the file in the
source distribution common/tables.c

         { "dhcp-parameter-request-list", "BA",          &dhcp_universe, 55 },

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