dhclient not able to obtain an IP address from my isp's cable modem

David W. Hankins David_Hankins at isc.org
Mon Oct 9 17:45:04 UTC 2006

what version is sarge indicating?  your report sounds like the
experience that led up to this:

                        Changes since 3.0.5rc1

- A bug was repaired in fixes to the dhclient, which sought to run the
  dhclient-script with the 'EXPIRE' state should it receive a NAK in
  response to a REQUEST.  The client now iterates the PREINIT state
  after the EXPIRE state, so that interfaces that might be configured
  'down' can be brought back 'up' and initialized.

outside of that, i have no idea, and the debian list sounds like a
good place to start.

ISC Training!  October 16-20, 2006, in the San Francisco Bay Area,
covering topics from DNS to DDNS & DHCP.  Email training at isc.org.
David W. Hankins	"If you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineer		you'll just have to do it again."
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.	-- Jack T. Hankins

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