ISC DHCP 3.0.4rc1 is now available!

Pascal Gienger finesse at
Thu Apr 20 09:33:14 UTC 2006

Yahoo <jvnc04 at> wrote:

> * is it possible with ISC to configure and to use IP pool NOT on same
> range as DHCP Server ?


Bien sur c'est possible mais votre serveur doit connaître aussi la 
définition du réseau configuré sur votre interface ethernet. Alors ajoutez 
à votre fichier dhcpd.conf une déclaration

subnet netmask { ...}.

Sachez que le routeur entre ces deux réseaux doit transmettre les requêtes 
DHCPDISCOVER du réseau vers le réseau, 
autrement cela ne marchera pas.

> * is possible with ISC to work with MORE than one DHCP server instance on
> same linux BOX (i.e.. Different pool)?

Mais bien sur.


Sure it's possible but your server needs to know the subnet configured on 
your ethernet interface. Just add the appropriate subnet declaration of 
your ethernet interface:

subnet netmask { ...}.

You have to know though that the router between your two networks must 
forward DHCPDISCOVER broadcasts from your to your (where your DHCP server is) otherwise it won't work. 
On Cisco IOS the statement is "ip helper-address".

> * is possible with ISC to work with MORE than one DHCP server instance on
> same linux BOX (i.e.. Different pool)?

Yes that's perfectly possible. We are using here approx. 90 subnets 
distributed on 5 ISC DHCP_Servers for redundant service.
Neither of these is directly connected to the networks where the DHCP 
servers are.

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