Deprecation notice force BIND 9.20+: "rrset-order fixed" and "sortlist"

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Fri Mar 1 09:50:15 UTC 2024

On 01.03.24 08:24, Ondřej Surý wrote:
>The "sortlist" option allows to define a complicated rules when and
>how to reorder the resource records in the responses. The same
>caveats as with the "rrset-order" apply - relying on any specific
>order of resource records in the DNS responses is wrong.
>We are not aware of any other (major) DNS server that would have
>similar behaviour as this was never specified in the DNS protocol.
>If you know of any software or hardware relying on any specific
>order of the resource records in the DNS messages, it needs to
>be reported as a bug to the respective vendor.

I don't know about _requirement_, but I have used this option as poor 
man's way to implement geographically local IP addresses
- to anyone return topologically closer IP addresses first, others next.

I found it especially nice because it doesn't matter which service are we 
using - if there are multiple IP's for _anything_, return topologically 
closer first.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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