host restriction

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Tue May 16 16:19:10 UTC 2023

On 15.05.23 20:58, Kereszt Vezeték wrote:
>Can someone help me with the following problem ?
>I have a dns server in my private network with a local domain. The dns
>server forward the public request to the google dns server .

why? BIND server can resolve perfectly without fdorwarding anywhere.

> I wold like separate hosts in the inside network.
>One group allow only the local host resolve, not forward to the
>.Other group allow the local hosts resolve, and able to forward to the
>google dns server.
>Are there any way to solve this problem with bind9 ?
>Local subnet

> allow forward to
> allow forward to

> disable forward
> disable forward

And how should request from these IPs be resolved?

If really neede (see my comment above), I recommend using views for this. 
Mostly because they can have separate cache.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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