Incremental transfers generate complete zone reloading

Jesus Cea jcea at
Sun Jan 15 18:02:47 UTC 2023

I have a huge zone receiving a constant flow of small dns updates. My 
secondaries receive notifications and transfer the zone incrementally. 
Cool, everything works as expected.

Nevertheless, I see this lines in my logs, constantly (every time a 
change arrives incrementally):

15-Jan-2023 17:49:47.662 general: info: rpz: rpz.local: new zone version 
came too soon, deferring update for 28 seconds
15-Jan-2023 17:49:54.716 notify: info: client @11f80268 X.X.X.X#63514: 
received notify for zone 'rpz.local'
15-Jan-2023 17:49:54.716 general: info: zone rpz.local/IN: notify from 
X.X.X.X#63514: serial 8991
15-Jan-2023 17:50:15.662 general: info: rpz: rpz.local: reload start
15-Jan-2023 17:50:16.884 general: info: rpz: rpz.local: reload done

Ok, my updates are coming too fast (first line). No problem, the 
secondary will eventually retrieve the changes. What worries me is the 
last couple of lines: The rpz zone (big, around 800.000 domains) is 
being reloaded constantly and it takes a couple of seconds eating CPU, 
when the incremental changes are actually pretty tiny.

I would guess the incremental changes would do an incremental change in 
memory structures, not a full zone reload taking a couple of seconds and 
sucking an entire CPU core.

My secondary configuration is pretty trivial:

   response-policy {
     zone "rpz.local" policy nxdomain;


zone "rpz.local" {
   type slave;
   file "../secundarios/db.rpz.local";
   allow-query {; };
   allow-transfer { none; };
   masters {


Is this maybe related with being a "response-policy" zone? If this is 
the case and a malware RPZ is going to be BIG by definition, what would 
be the suggested approach?


PS: I have not tried alternative secondary storage backends yet, like 
"map". I am trying to understand what is going on first.

Jesús Cea Avión                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
jcea at -    _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
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