Can not query localhost

David Carvalho david at
Fri Jan 13 11:17:51 UTC 2023


I’m migrating an old bind from Oracle Linux 6 to Oracle linux 9.16.

The first thing I noticed was that there were 2 bind versions available in this new distro. I went for the newest.

It is “named-chroot” and a “slave” configuration for my domain. The files are already being  transferred automatically daily, and I can successfully query my domain.


The problems are:

I get SERVFAIL when querying outside my domain.

I get SERVFAIL when performing any reverse query.


I can use “nc -v 53 top.domain.server” to test my outgoing connection, and it works.


My named.conf is as follows

listen-on port 53 {; my.ip.; };

        listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };


The configuration is as in the previous server, so I have no idea what I am missing.

Any ideas?




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