Is there a community product maintaining Windows support?

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Thu Feb 17 17:01:44 UTC 2022

Am 17.02.22 um 17:36 schrieb Jakob Bohm via bind-users:
> This is truly tragic, and quite counterproductive action by ISC.

no, it's just stop wasting time for things not really used in the real 
production world

> Messing about with docker virtualization inside an already virtual
> machine seems like a recipe for disaster

nobody said that

when you already have a virtualization infracstructure the far better 
question is why you did install named on a windows guest to begin with

BTW: docker is *not* virtualization and i would *always* install any 
containers inside virtual machines because on production hardware the 
only thing which belongs to bare-metal is the hypversior (yes, there are 
*very few* expections, contgainers are non of them)

why? because there is redundancy, hot migration, backup-infrastructure 
and so on - the only usecase for containers is lightweight isolation for 
the few cases a systemd-unit with proper namespaces and cgroups isn't enough

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