"make test" not working?

Josef Moellers jmoellers at suse.de
Tue Feb 1 14:28:31 UTC 2022

Hi folks,

Just for the record:

Thanks, Ondřej, for pushing my nose onto the fact that the test should 
be run as a non-privileged user. BTDTGT

As I am determined (and it makes sense) to run the tests on the binaries 
that we will eventually ship, I need to build the software according to 
our SPEC file. To do so required a little preparation, but needs no 
modification to the SPEC file.

As root (see NOTE1 below):
rm -rf $D/bind-<version>; chgrp users $D; chmod 775 $D
rm -rf $D/bind-<version>; chgrp users $D; chmod 775 $D

(Replace "users" with one of the groups the unprivileged user is a 
member of. Yes, I know that this is dangerous and so should only be done 
on an isolated system without any additional users, eg a private VM).

Then, as the unprivileged user:
ln -s /usr/src/packages ~/rpmbuild		(See NOTE1 below)
rpmbuild -bc /usr/src/packages/SPECS/bind.spec
cd /usr/src/packages/BUILD/bind-<version>
sudo bin/tests/system/ifconfig.sh up		(see NOTE2 below)
make test

NOTE1: This needs to be done only once
NOTE2: This needs to be done only once after a (re)boot


PS The "resolver" test failed, but I'll report that to info at isc.org
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