Attempting to configure an ISC BIND repository on Red Hat Linux 7.9

Michał Kępień michal at
Thu Apr 28 20:54:47 UTC 2022

> Dnf is not available. Therefore using yum
> Linux Red Hat 7.9 virtual machine on VMware, has internet connectivity
> Set up local repository in /etc/yum.repos.d/download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org_results_isc_bind_epel-8-_.repo:

Is something (e.g. policy) forcing you to set this repository up
manually?  IMHO it would have been simpler with the "copr" yum plugin.
CentOS 7 allows installing it via "yum install yum-plugin-copr", though
RHEL 7 seems to not have heard of a "yum-plugin-copr" package, so you
have to prod it a bit (similarly for EPEL, which you are going to need
for libnghttp2 if you plan to use the stable "bind" repository, which
currently contains BIND 9.18):

    # yum install
    # yum install
    # yum copr enable isc/bind
    # yum install isc-bind

(I just tested these commands on a fresh RHEL 7 Docker image.)

> now receiving error: " [Errno 14] HTTPS Error 503 - Service Unavailable" for each of the sites in isc: https://    (i.e. repeats 10 x)
> curl -k  shows web page content so the connection is good

And does:

    curl -v -k

output an XML file?  What IP is it trying to connect to?  Are you able
to verify that yum tries to reach the same IP when you try to install

> internet search indicates a possible issue with the target site (which I doubt)

It is certainly within the realm of possibility.  Copr is backed by a
CDN, so I can imagine a situation in which the specific host you are
connecting to from your vantage point is dysfunctional in some way while
others are working just fine.

Best regards,
Michał Kępień

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