Getting the name of responding server(s)

Ronald F. Guilmette rfg at
Fri Sep 10 04:35:41 UTC 2021

In message <20210909103322.GA27263 at>, 
Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uhlar at> wrote:

>On 09.09.21 03:20, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
>>I don't want and don't need SOA records.  I want and need only the relevant
>>NS records.
>server in some cases send the SOA. 

Yes.  I am aware of that.  Thank you.

>>I just want the names of the final and actual name servers that would /
>>should respond to the given query.
>dig +trace finds those.

I gather that you did not read this thread from the beginning.  I do know
that dig will get me the info, but it is slow and cumbersome.

>>Thank you.  I am well and truly aware of that fact that multiple name
>>server names may resolve to some single common IP address.
>>Fortunately, for what I am doing, this fact is not of any relevance.
>what exactly is your goal?

Sorry, it's secret.  I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you.


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