Getting the name of responding server(s)

Ronald F. Guilmette rfg at
Tue Sep 7 19:40:14 UTC 2021

In message <YTcYawJOyY/lUPvE at>, 
Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzmeyer at> wrote:

>> I know that I can get this information by using "dig +trace", but that seems
>> to be rather slow to me (wall clock time), and I want to be doing
>> this a lot.
>The only solution is chasing the delegations from the root (which is
>what dig +trace is doing). Caching speeds it, this is why it is
>better to go through your resolver than using dig +trace.

Yes, well, obviously, I either have to figure out a way to let my local
resolver do all of the work or else I have to build my own resolver
essentially from scratch.  (Obviously, I am hoping that I can avoid
the latter.)

>> So, does anyone know of an open source command line tool that can do just
>> that, preferably quickly?
>I'm not aware of a tool (free software or not) which does it. Some
>programming will be required.

I was afraid of that, but thank you for confirming.


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