resolve - send query via specific network device

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Wed Oct 24 09:58:18 UTC 2018

On 24.10.18 09:47, Stern, Eli wrote:
>Using the client side of Bind in a similar manner to the "resolve" sample (resolve.c).
>How does one force the queries to be sent via a specific network device?
>E.g. using the "bind()" system call or ioctl(SO_BINDTODEVICE)?

you can only configure outgoing IP address in BIND by using e.g. query-source

>OS: Linux.

the OS decides how to send packets, including which interface to send from. 
It uses routing tables to decide this, so you can force it to use
alternative route.

Try looking at
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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