slave zone files unreadable

Anand Buddhdev anandb at
Wed Jul 9 12:07:57 UTC 2014

On 09/07/2014 13:21, Reindl Harald wrote:

> dunno, but i perfer text-format anyways
> * masterfile-format text; * delete the zone file on the slave *
> restart the slave

Plain text zone files are fine if you have a small number of zones, or
small zones. But for servers with large numbers of zones, or large
zones, reading back from text files when starting the server can take
a long time. The "raw" format helps by speeding up load time. The
newer "map" format in BIND 9.10 is even better, and can improve zone
load time over the "raw" format by a factor of 3.

As an example, on one of my BIND slaves with over 5000 zones, reading
from plain text zone files takes about 90 seconds, from raw files, it
takes 45 seconds, and from map files, just 15 seconds.



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